MBA in Venture Management
Advisor, Inventor, Founder

Christopher Price

Who is Christopher Price?
I'm a scientist; because I invent, transform, create, and destroy for a living, and when I don't like something about the world, I change it. -Rick Sanchez

I'm a classic ENTP personality type with a technical bent drawn to advising startups and leading organizations challenged with managing extraordinary growth. I delight in forging founder dreams and operational chaos into something worth introducing to the world. I explore and negotiate strategic partnerships for fun. Audacious missions and community service inspire me.

People have described me as a "mad scientist" so often that you can see I've embraced the depiction. Indeed, my mind is naturally tuned to see opportunities and recognize the implications of complex systems. Some say (mostly my wife says) that I display obsessive tendencies when deep-diving into a new project; time blindness is a real thing.

A more positive spin is that I'm a big-picture visionary skilled at leading uncommonly talented teams and communicating a vision that focuses their creativity on common goals—that is, I gamify results. I coach teams to listen carefully to expert and market feedback to prioritize improvements. Rinse, wash, and repeat until the platform is ready to turn over to classically trained managers to work their magic.

Then, I'm on to the next great challenge! Or unsalvageable mess, depending on your perspective.

Areas of Expertise

  • Digital Asset Custody
  • Compliance Workflows including KYC/AML
  • Blockchain Product Development
  • RF location and tracking
  • Business and Marketing Strategy
  • Nonprofit Management & Operations
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Let's do it.
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